Finding Jim Morrison in Père Lachaise Cemetery

This is the shortest and most simple route to locate the grave of Jim Morrison. If arriving via the PERE LACHAISE METRO STATION, take the exit on to BOULEVARD DE MENILMONTANT and proceed STRAIGHT AHEAD. You will already see the outer wall of Père Lachaise Cemetery bordering your path.
After a short walk you will reach the PORT PRINCIPALE, the main entrance to Père Lachaise Cemetery.
On entering, proceed up AVENUE PRINCIPALE until you reach AVENUE DU PUITS, then turn RIGHT.
Keep going straight along AVENUE DU PUITS, which soon changes its name to AVENUE CASIMIR PERIER.
After following AVENUE CASIMIR PERIER some distance, you will come to a junction where a number of routes converge. Take CHEMIN MAISON, which is almost directly opposite.
Continue along CHEMIN MAISON until it ends at a junction with CHEMIN LAURISTAN, then turn LEFT.
A few short steps, and to your RIGHT you will find the tomb of Jim Morrison.

If arriving via the GAMBETTA METRO STATION, take AVENUE DU PERE LACHAISE until it ends at RUE DES RONDEAUX. Straight opposite you will see PORTE GAMBRETTA, a secondary ENTRANCE to Père Lachaise Cemetery.
Once you have entered, follow the main drive (Avenue des combattants étrangers mort pour la France) until it ends at the junction with AVENUE TRANSVERSALE No 1, then turn LEFT.
Continue along AVENUE TRANSVERSALE No 1 until you reach a turning on your RIGHT for AVENUE DE SAINT-MORYS.
Follow AVENUE DE SAINT-MORYS to where it ends at a junction with AVENUE DE LA CHAPELLE, then turn LEFT.
Proceed down AVENUE DE LA CHAPELLE and you will find eventually yourself at a circular island, ROND-POINT CASIMIR PERIER.
Keep going straight ahead, and just past the far side of the island you will see a turning on your RIGHT for CHEMIN LAURISTAN.
A short distance along CHEMIN LAURISTAN you will come to a fork with CHEMIN LESSEPS.
You are now at the tomb of Jim Morrison, which is nestled in the apex between where the two routes meet.